Payoneer to BTC / Payoneer to Bitcoin / Cash out Payoneer balance
How to cash out Payoneer/ How to withdraw money from Payoneer
You're welcome to cash out your Payoneer funds to Bitcoin (BTC) no verification is required. It works whether you want to withdraw large amount of money or you want to do small Payoneer withdrawal less than $50. So, you're in luck if you're also looking for how to withdraw less than $50 from Payoneer.
How to cash out Payoneer to Bitcoin (BTC)
Of course, we all know that you can withdraw money from Payoneer to your bank account or physical card. However, if you don't want to use any of that, we offer an alternative easy way to withdraw money from Payoneer to Bitcoin.
It's straight forward. Follow the steps below to cash out your Payoneer funds to Bitcoin.
1). Apply for Payoneer virtual card (not physical card). Just login to your Payoneer account and apply for virtual card. It's easy.
2). Activate the card. You'll be asked for proof of address to activate the card
3). Once the card is activated, it is ready to be spent, even if you have below $50 in your Payoneer account balance
4). Come back to this site and use any of the two payment gateways below to order Bitcoin with your Payoneer virtual card.
How to cash out Payoneer to BTC (Bitcoin)
1). Checkout by PayPal: Buy Bitcoin with Payoneer card, no verification
2). Checkout by Paystack. Scan the code
3). Checkout by Flutterwave. Scan the code
4). Checkout by bank transfer. Buy Bitcoin by bank transfer (we only accept payment from US or European banks- either through offline or online banking). Scan the code to get bank transfer details
Note that this would also work for Transferwise cards, Payday cards, or any other virtual card out there. But I personally tested the Flutterwave gateway with virtual Payoneer card and I can confirm that it works. We charge 30% commission to offer for this service and it takes 3 days to process payment if paid by Paystack gateway and 6 days if paid by Flutterwave.
After you've made payment, please send us your Bitcoin wallet address where we should send your money to, plus your order number to email: or chat us on WhatsApp or Telegram below.
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